Sunday, January 18, 2015

Writer's block or Queen of procrastination?

Well this morning I received a text from my dearest lifelong friend. She was looking for my e-book and any blog updates. This was the nudge I've needed.

 My children's book I took off Amazon for illustrating, haven't finished yet. I've been letting life, family and other commitments take up my time. Therefore I have several books in different stages (to be edited, illustrated, completed or published) and blogs that need attention.

 I really didn't realize it has been months since I put anything online.
Thank you so very much CJ for the nudge! God always finds a way to slap me on the back of my head to wakeup. He usually uses you or Mark to do it.

Ok New year so I'll make a goal... at least 2 hours everyday I will work on my writing and put no less than 1 sentence on my blog. I can't remember who this quote is from but
"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today unless you can die without doing it".

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